Just Another Blog
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

While we're on the topic of Constitutional politics, this article covers the possibility of coalition styled government in the US prefaced on a sufficient electoral win by a third party candidate. This is most likely doable by billionaire Bloomberg. Imagine a Gore/Bloomberg third party ticket where Gore is the preacher, and Bloomberg is the money man and strategist, and it starts to sound real plausible. The idea of contractually obligating certain cabinet positions is fascinating. Imagine Secretary of Defense Colin Powell not having to back down from his criticisms of the President because he wasn't serving strictly at the will of the President but rather as a contractually guaranteed appointment. How much stronger could his opposition have been? How much more discourse might have occured before the invasion? It's an interesting conjecture. What if the cabinet didn't have to kowtow to the President and could instead fight for whatthey thought was best for the country? I don't think that the expanse of executive power has been a good thing. It'd sure be interesting to see it play out this way. Better yet, imagine two weak mainline candidates and two strong third party candidates and an electoral college split 35/35/10/5. Then it'd get real interesting.