Just Another Blog
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I've got a cold coming on, and it feels like it might be a nasty one. It's not so much that I feel terrible yet, but rather the way it has been slowly building over the last two days and the fact that my initial counter-attacks seem to be failing. Tomorrow is take your kid to work day, so it would make a fine day to stay home. Of course, I could probably inflict more harm by going to work and sneezing and sniffling all over the little brats. Since my company doesn't offer sick time, I believe they would want me to come in. I'll probably suck it up and go in. If it makes my immuno-compromised (organ transplant) boss uneasy, I'm sure he'll close his door tightly or maybe even just leave and work from home. He gets that opportunity. Also, I'm tickled by the possibility that the company could announce mass layoffs on the day that mommy is showing little Billy how she endlessly enters data off of one screen onto the other screen. That would be precious. At least it would be a true learning experience for the kid with regard to the fickleness of life in corporate cubedom.