Just Another Blog
Thursday, May 18, 2006
The Counting, the Drinking, and the Naming

I'm up to 46 distinct liquor selections in my bar with a full compliment of mixers and ideas. I often make-up new drinks. Tonight, I am drinking Bacardi Limon with pineapple-orange juice and club soda. It is delicious.

Because I am using club soda out of a can and because I cannot easily, simultaneously pour both from the can and from the 1.75 l bottle of rum as I might with a soda-gun and 750, I roll the drink once to the shaker and back after building the cocktail in the glass. This is important for the uniform distribution of effervescence. I'm working out of a pint glass, but, obviously, you could rock it highball style too.

I'm trying, now, while writing this, to think of a name for it. I like Slow Florida Sunrise, because that's how I'd describe the experience of drinking one of these delights. However, slow and sunrise both have specific, mixology implications to which this drink does not conform. So that's out.

It'd be easier if I could somehow key off the juice in the naming. But it's not two juices, it's one hybrid-juice of pineapple-oj. I bought it by mistake instead of pineapple. I also have oj, of course. But, in a real bar, there is no pineapple-oj combo-juice, and, thus, the nomenclature must be elsewhere inspired.

I'm gonna mix-up another round and see if my muse will speak her name to me.


Ahhh! But a whisper...

Limon-soft? Limon-soft Sparkler? Citrus Rum Sparkler? Citrus Limon Sparkler?

I heard her giggle; I'm sure that's her:  Citrus Limon Sparkler.

Bring me another! And more for my friends!