Just Another Blog
Monday, April 03, 2006
Bus Strike

Y'all know I'm no fan of unions. I think it's fair in today's atmosphere of incessant hyperbole and rampant overstatement to say that the striking RTD workers are as bad as Al-Qaeda terrorists.

There are approximately 1,750 people in the striking union. The vote failed when 55% of them voted no. The swing then was the less than 88 voters as surely not 100% voted. Because a few dozen terrorists were rallied to jihad by fundamentalist union leaders, the whole metropolis is on the verge of chaos.

Every time you pay the bus fare or buy a light rail ticket, you're supporting terrorists that are determined to strike again - probably tomorrow. If your employer pays this on your behalf, well, then it's fine for you to go ahead and ride: the terror complex already has the money, and the only thing you can do is to subversively destroy their machinery. You can try to break their spirits too, but you must be able to speak whatever language it is that those terrorists mumble.