Just Another Blog
Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I've been doing an excellent job lately of ignoring my stats. As I mentioned before, I was driving myself crazy trying to figure out who was reading what when. Now I'm only peeking in once or twice a week. I was pleasantly surprised to see some old ML folks checking in. I had heard at one point that I had been banned there. Maybe whatever offensive words were on my frontpage have dropped off by now. Cool. Hi. Anyone need a job in Denver working in a Compliance department with me?

Had my first review at the new job today to learn how my real-life stats are shaping up half way through my first year. Needless to say, they love me. I like them pretty good too. I'm not real sure about the job somedays, but the company is decent.

Someday I may do a dissertation on corporate communication styles within financial organizations. It's a fascinating topic to me. I think the importance cannot be overstated, and one could make a fortune as a consultant. That side thought was brought to you by the recent juxtaposition of the new job and ML.