Just Another Blog
Monday, February 14, 2005

I enjoyed five fresh at Keystone with my sister on Saturday. Our first run down Last Alamo was my best run of the season. The snow was to the top of my boots nearly the entire run topped with more than a couple of knee-deep pockets. It was steep and soft.

Tomorrow is a Vail day with my brother. We're still hashing out the exact details, but we will be enjoying the bowls at Vail sooner or later.

Oh, I almost forgot to mention the sky at Keystone. Remember that Colorado-blue sky that was filled with those white, Charmin-puffy clouds setting the backdrop for deep green evergreens piled with snow that set glittering crystals of pure, winter happiness alight when the wind blew so sweetly through the trees? Well, Saturday had one of those kinds of skies.