Just Another Blog
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Media Crazy

Ok, I'm ready for music swapping. Let's figure out how we do this.

I bought a 250GB Seagate external drive from Amazon. I ordered it last week, and it came today. In between then and now, I kind of freaked out because I thought to myself, "Hey, this doesn't do me any good. I'm almost out of room on my harddrive now. I certainly don't have the space to hold 25? 50? 100? more gigs of music. So, now I have this great collection all on one big drive, but what if it crashes?"

So I went to CompUSA on Sunday. There I got a good deal on a 200GB Western Digital internal drive. I bought a $40 enclosure that turns it into an external drive, and it was still a good deal.

The WD is USB 2.0. The Seagate is firewire and USB2.0. They actually tell you to plug them both in to your computer. The drive also functions as a USB hub.

So now the 200GB will be the media drive and the 250GB will back up the media drive, the old, 6 GB c: drive, and the 40 gigs of the F, G, & H drives. I have room for roughly 200 more gigs of music and complete backup of all data.

I'm ready!