Just Another Blog
Sunday, January 02, 2005
Happy New Year

I've been trying to convince myself to make some sort of public proclamation of a resolution promising to do something or other with regard to this blog in the new year, but I still don't quite know what I want out of this forum. I would like to write more fiction. I would like to write more stream-of-consciousness. I would like to write more entries more regularly. I would like to write deep, thought provoking, drivel that leaves you guffawing. I would like to improve my use of metaphor and allegory while reducing my dependence on and fascination with alliteration. I want to better capture the random musings that occur to me throughout the day and especially in the evening when I relax and let my mind think grand and random thoughts. I want to post more pictures and fewer links. I make no promises or formal resolutions, but those are some of the things that I want to work on this year.