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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Preparing for Florida I talked to my buddy Geoff briefly last night. I'll spend a couple of days as his guest in West Palm before going to Miami for the wedding. I had just come in from skiing, and he was poolside drinking a margarita overlooking the traffic on the intercoastal waterway. Guess I'll need to be packing shorts. I'm not much of a beach fanatic, but lounging in the sun should provide me with the recharging that I need to be ready to start a job when I return. I spoke briefly with the groom as well. He had to go check on a 911 hang-up call before we could fully discuss the seating arrangements for the wedding. It ought to be interesting. I believe that there will be at least a couple of guests at the wedding with sworn vendettas against me. It's all old bullshit from college when I may or may not have acted inappropriately toward one or more girlfriends (umm, their girlfriends, not mine...). Another couple that will be there is a former roommate of mine married to a former girlfriend of mine with whom I last spoke under poor circumstances that were ultimately solved via miscarriage. Anyhow, I'm not really sure what to expect from these folks. I don't see or think about these people any more, and I could care less if they hate me, love me, or have forgotten my name. I just don't want to cause any sort of scene although I think that is terribly unlikely. I toyed with the idea of wearing this shirt in Florida, but ultimately decided that I didn't want to make things even more awkward than they may already be. I told Stu I wanted to sit with the bride's family (few of whom speak much English as I understand it). Really that would be cool with me. I hate socializing. I hate people. The more I can just sit in the corner and watch what's going on around me, the happier I'll be. Someday I'm going to more fully discuss my phobias and disorders. For now, read Flagrant Disregard for a great insight into a mind on the brink. Mind on the brink. I like that. I do hereby reserve the right to change the name of this blog to such. It fits well with a lyric I wrote once too. Actually, as I try to recall the lyrics, I think it fits in very well. [Stu, do you still have that "song"? Can you get it to me in mp3?] |
Some parts true. Many made-up.
Songs don't stay posted long.
All photos are manipulated.
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