Just Another Blog
Thursday, August 26, 2004

As of today, I have now lived in Denver for 9 years. Prior to moving here, I had never lived in the same town for more than 6 years. I previously spent time in Boston, MA, Chippewa Falls, WI, Louisville, KY, Waukegan, IL, and Washington DC. Sometimes I think about moving on to some other place: Boise, ID always comes to mind although I've never been there. For now though, Denver still works - even if I don't!

When I think about it, I'm not entirely sure what it is that is keeping me here. I don't have many friends other than my brother and sister in town. This town has been downright cruel - or at least completely indifferent - to me in terms of a love life. For the last couple of years, since I was RIF'ed from Merrill, I seem to have been unemployed at least as much as I've been employed, and certainly, I have been underemployed since then.

But still, it is hard to understate the beauty of the weather here - and the beauty of mountains. My number of ski days has been varied and inconsistent over the years, but every trip to the slopes provides some type of inner renewal. Hiking during the summer provides a nice stop-gap. I still self-identify more with the city and urban environments, but I have grown to really love the mountains.

So, happy anniversary to me, and c'mon now Denver: let's find me a job and a girlfriend. I'm not that picky about either right now. We should be able to work something out.