Just Another Blog
Monday, February 23, 2004
Ready Now

I think I have everything working here again with the exception of links that link back to myself. I've changed things over and over between Blogger and Movable Type and between doing this in the blog subdomain or the regular jh.com domain. The end result is that any of my old links back to myself don't work. The article numbers, or whatever the part of the link is called that references a specific post, are correct, but my archives are in a different place. If anyone has linked to any of my old posts for some odd reason, your links would be screwy too. I'm telling myself that I will fix them in the future, but to be honest it will probably never happen.

I still need to update the links on the left too. I've largely quit reading other people's blogs. Now that I'm fully employed again, I just don't have the time like I used to. I was obsessive about reading probably 20+ blogs a day at one point. I don't read that many in a week anymore. I'm still compulsive about surfing the internet for news, but now I rely mainly Drudge, Fark, Google News, and my local tv station's website. I miss InstaPundit and Lileks, but unless I have free time on Sunday, I largely over look them too. Maybe as I get into trying to write more, I will try to read more too.

I think I'm leaning towards making this more personal and less political (if it was ever really political). Anyone who's reading isn't here for my thoughts on global affairs. You might be somewhat more interested in my thoughts on financial planning or tax defense, but you can email me if you really want to talk about or hear about those sorts of things. (Though I certainly plan to bitch plenty about work, so I may touch on those things anyway.)

When I told the hyena that I was trying to get back into this, I listed as one of my main reasons that I had too many funny thooughts floating around in my head that I thought I needed to share. I can't for the life of me figure out right now what some of those funny thoughts might be, but hopefully they'll come out. For now, it will probably be more writing and less linking.

Enjoy the new picture of me on the left. I editted out as much skin as possible. If it is still to risque and offends your sensabilities, let me know. I won't do anything about it, but I would like to know.