Just Another Blog
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Over the Top

Here's a blurb about a guy who jumped the fence at the White House on Wednesday. Not surprisingly, they caught the guy and whisked him away.

When I was in college, I recall walking to a show at the old 9:30 Club one night. I was going to a show with some girl that I was undoubtedly trying to impress. As we walked along the fence behind the White House, I remember commenting to her that I sometimes thought about trying to climb over the fence and then immediately just climb back out - you know just to see if it could be done. This was probably around 8:30 or 9:00 at night (as all the shows started at 9:30). There wasn't a lot of foot traffic in town at that point. But just as I made my comment, a man in a long, dark trench coat walked past us in the other direction and without looking up or stopping said, "I'd like to see you try."

I spun and looked at him as he just kept right on walking. I am quite sure he was Secret Service. To this day, I have no idea how he could have heard my conversation as we approached him. I'm fairly certain he would have been the one to stop me had I tried. Not that I would have ever tried.