Just Another Blog
Monday, April 14, 2003
Surf Fever

I recently rented Blue Crush even though I had seen it in the theaters. If you like big waves and Hawaii and girls in bikinis, I strongly recommend this movie. The DVD extras show some neat making-of shots and the viewer learns that the lead, Kate Bosworth, actually did a lot of her own surfing shots after learning how to ride specifically to gain the part in the movie.

But none of that was really supposed to be my point here. My point was going to be to tell you to check out this picture. Did you know that once a year there is a huge wave that travels backwards, up the Amazon? The Pororoca is a once a year wave that flows for hundreds of miles. And this guy surfed it. Man, why aren't there scores of surfers lining up to catch this thing each year? Yeah, it's not that high, but it goes on and on and on. It's good trivia too.