Just Another Blog
Monday, April 14, 2003
Geography Test

I know you've all been following the war and the related geo-political implications of our actions overseas (and if you're not, you should be). Here is a great online tool to measure your knowledge of Mideast geography focusing on the locations of the countries in the area. See how much you know and realize how much you don't. I was pleasantly surprised by my performance, though I'll admit pretty thorough ignorance of the north-eastern African countries. I nailed the conflict region and its surrounding countries other than switching Jordan and Syria, which was a stupid mistake.

This is a great teaching tool. If you've got kids, give them a globe and give them this link and let the learning commence. I haven't explored the other offerings of RethinkingSchools.org, but if this is any indication of their overall content quality, then they're probably a great online educational resource.