Just Another Blog
Monday, March 03, 2003
And So It Begins

I chose today to start actively looking for work again. It has been more than 10 months since I worked full time, and I am finally starting to feel like I am ready to get back to the grind. Last week I cut my hair and shaved off all of the hair on my face. It's the first time in over a year and a half that I haven't had facial hair. Looking at pictures of the beard versus the goatee versus the clean shaven, I think I should have left the goatee. I don't know; I guess I'll get used to it. Surely my face would look better if I dropped some weight. I need to incorporate working out into the job search some how. I keep planning to make myself a schedule so that I can get into a good daily routine, but somehow I can't get around to it.

Today I went through the last week's worth of postings on Monster which was something in the neighborhood of 475 jobs. I ended up applying for eight positions ranging from customer service consultant to fulfillment center supervisor to coffee category director to Sherwin-Williams branch operations manager. I am probably over-qualified for five of the jobs and under-qualified for the other three. I'll be interested to see if I get any hits. My goal is to get out at least one resume a day until I start interviewing on some sort of regular basis. I'm sure that for the first few days as I catch up on a backlog of postings from various job sites I'll be able to churn 'em out. The test for me will be to keep them flowing after two weeks when I still haven't heard from anyone.