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Monday, January 06, 2003
Wine There's little in life that I enoy more than good food and good wine. Actually, there's probably nothing I enjoy better. Perhaps sex is on the list, but good food and wine are ever so much easier for me to come by. I still hold on to a sliver of hope that my next job - assuming I ever get one - will be related to food and wine in more than just a server/bartender capacity. I was happy then to get two wine gifts at the end of the year. One sister got me a subscription to the Wine Spectator which I used to read cover-to-cover but haven't read much in the past four years. Hopefully, getting it by mail every month will get me reading about wine again and help me hone my skills which have become a bit rusty without rigorous use. The other sister bought me Bacchus & Me by Jay McInerney who writes about wine for House & Garden and who authored Bright Lights, Big City. The book seems to be largely a collection of writings that he did for the magazine, but I am not an avid House & Garden reader, so they're all new to me. Mr. McInerney has a (very) educated consumer's point-of-view combined with an author's gift for description. One of the great lines from one of the early chapters (and also great enough to be highlighted on the back cover) is this observation on the challenges of picking a wine for most vegetarian meals. "Like boys and girls locked away in same-sex prep schools, most wines yearn for a little bit of flesh." Now that's a simile! |
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