Just Another Blog
Monday, January 06, 2003
Catching Up

I haven't done a whole lot of writing lately. Oh course, my three loyal readers already knew that. It's not that I haven't had any funny stories to tell or that I haven't had any thoughts on current events. I've just been kind of bored with the whole blogging thing. I find myself reading fewer blogs and following fewer links off the ones I do read. I wonder whether the phenomenon will lose some of its popularity in the new year. I've been doing this for about 11 months or so, and while I haven't exactly run out of things to say, I have failed to convince myself that this medium is the most efficient or interesting way to say things. Wouldn't it just be easier to send out an email every couple of days to Graeme, Vince, and Stu with my random musings?

I guess that becomes some sort of listserv-news-group-form-letter-thingy or something that was really the predecessor to blogging. There's no point in taking a technological step backwards. And I guess there are another two or three folks out there who stop by on occassion to look at pictures of Colorado or to see what I have been up to or to look for life's meaning in my thought-provoking musings. I have been tempted to give this up all together in the new year and just concentrate on other as of yet undecided priorities. Basically, I've been downright cranky about the whole blogging thing in general.

I've also been out of coffee in the house for nearly a month. Yesterday, I bought more coffee. Today, I'm posting again. I think I figured out the problem: now on with the blogging.