Just Another Blog
Monday, September 30, 2002
I May Be a SLIder

When I was in college, there was one particular street lamp right near the corner of 21st and F street that as often as not turned off or on when I walked by. At the time I attributed this strange phenomenon to chance or coincidence or - on a long shot - to the fraternity house whose property the streetlight was on. A girlfriend at the time suggested that there may be something more going on. Her thought was that I was possessed or evil or something. Now I find out that she may have been onto something. Street Light Interference is apparently being studied by a bunch of folks with too much time and money.
A reasonable speculation for the effect, if it is a real one, might have something to do with the electronic impulses of the brain. All of our thoughts and movements are the result of electrical impulses that the brain generates. At present it is known that these measurable impulses only have an effect within an individual's body, but is it possible that they could have an effect outside the body - a kind of remote control?

Ongoing research at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) lab is suggesting that the subconscious can indeed affect electronic devices. Subjects are able to influence the random generations of a computer far more than would occur merely by chance. This research - and research being conducted at other laboratories around the world - are beginning to reveal, in scientific terms, the reality of such psychic phenomena as ESP, telekinesis and soon, perhaps, SLI.
Damn! I guess Jenn was right. Hell, I never did win an arguement with that girl.

My first order of business will be controlling the streetlights. But as soon as I perfect that you can be sure that I will be using my powers for more mischievous ends.