Just Another Blog
Monday, August 05, 2002
Jane Says

Megan McArdle has a good discussion on the arguements for and against invading Iraq. Her best point:
"China ha[s] nuclear weapons and we aren't invading them". That's right. And when they sent troops into neighboring countries to install/prop-up horrendous regimes, we couldn't make them stop, could we? Because they had nuclear weapons and the consequences of such an invasion would be unimaginable. Now imagine Iraq with such weapons. We'd pretty much have to let him have Kuwait, because if we didn't, he'd nuke Tel Aviv.
Another point about the Live from the WTC site, that I can't remember if I've made before is that I am often impressed with the intelligence of the readers of that site. I don't think there's another site out there where reading the comments is as imperative. There's always lots of good discussion there. I think it speaks volumes of Ms. McArdle.