Just Another Blog
Friday, July 19, 2002
Good Cop Saves Bad Dog

Here's a story from a couple days back about a cop in Massachusetts who did mouth-to-mouth and CPR on a pit bull that had been hit by a car and revived it. It's certainly a good thing that the cop was able to keep his head in the face of the hysterical owner. Why couldn't she have done this herself? Wouldn't you do everything that you could to save your dog? Aren't these types of stories common enough that most people realize that CPR and artificial respiration work on all matters of critters? I fear that there are certain folks out there who would say that they would have been all to happy to see a bit pull lying dead in the road. It's a good thing that the cop was better than that. I hope he and his bosses get plenty of public support for his work. Maybe Procter and Gamble could show some corporate appreciation by sending the guy some Scope.