Just Another Blog
Saturday, June 15, 2002
Democrats Can't Control Urges

Found this link via Drudge, so you've probably already seen it. Apparently Sanford Bishop, a Democrat Representative from Georgia has as much control of his bodily functions as Billy Clinton did. At least no dresses were reported ruined.
Bishop, who was seated in coach, relieved himself in a closed area between the cockpit and first class. When the bathroom door finally opened, he disposed of the cup and washed his hands, McCash said."
I don't have kids, but I'm pretty sure the average five year-old can wait until the person in front of him is done to go to the bathroom. The guy pisses in a cup and then the door opens and he goes in and cleans up. Why not wait and piss in the bathroom? I hope this guy gets crucified in the political cartoon press. Whoever the Republicans run against this guy should have a field day.