Just Another Blog
Tuesday, April 02, 2002
"There is only one option now available to Israel: to decisively win the war that has been forced upon us."

Benjamin Netanyahu has an opinion piece in the L.A. Times today. It's short and to the point. Among some the high points:
Indeed, the much-vaunted political solution to end the conflict was attempted two years ago at Camp David, and it utterly failed. Arafat rejected a scandalously far-reaching Israeli offer of a sovereign Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip, which included half of Jerusalem, and instead chose to unleash the present war of terror against Israel.
Our excessive concern about the international community has also borne bitter fruit. Israel's refusal so far to act as would any other self-respecting nation heightens the doubts in the minds of our friends about our belief in the justice of our cause and encourages our enemies to increase the bloodshed.

The only way to win international understanding for our position, especially in the United States, is to steadfastly assert our basic right to defend ourselves and to achieve a quick and decisive military victory that will stop the terrible massacre of our citizens.
What is absolutely clear is that we cannot continue, even for one more day, on a path of indecision without a goal or a policy.
I haven't historically been a big fan of Israel as a state. But the senseless crap that they have had to deal with from Yasser and his minions cannot go on. Mr. Netanyahu is right: get it over with now. Use the full strength and reach of the Israeli military and destroy the hordes.