Just Another Blog
Saturday, April 27, 2002
I Am Unemployed

As of yesterday afternoon, I am officially unemployed. Hopefully, I can use the situation to do more considered blogging. The move of I Can Blog! off of Blog*spot is now imminent - I just need to figure out exactly how to do so. I'm considering a move to Moveable Type or some other more stable system.

My group has known for nearly four months that we would be losing our jobs, so there was a certain sense of relief to just be done with it all. Still, it was a sad day filled with good-byes and reassurances that we would all keep in touch. Of course these were mainly lies that we told to each other to make the good-byes easier to swallow. Surely some folks will keep in touch and some folks will end up working together again, but by and large, I know that I will never see most of those people again. And I will miss many of them. There are a number of people who disappeared before I got a chance for a proper good-bye and others that I avoided because I knew it would be too hard. Hopefully, I'll be able to track down their email addresses and wish them luck. If not, well, my fondest wishes from here will have to suffice. Best of luck to you all!