Just Another Blog
Sunday, March 24, 2002
Sgt. Stryker on the Future

Everyone seems to have some feeling or some nebulous half-realized notion that something's happening and that this "something" will have an enormous impact on the future. We can't conceptualize it, define it or point at it and say, "Aha! That's it!" But we know it's there, like some formless dark shape in the twilight wood, slowly stalking us and ready to pounce at any moment. ...

... I think we are in the beginning of one of those eras when America re-invents itself. It's a scary precipice to be standing on at this time. Events and history are taking a sudden turn from what we are used to, and that great plain we are overlooking looks dark and menacing, but that's only because we're looking over a new land that none of us has seen before. It's perfectly natural to fear the unknown, but we rise above our animal fears when we realize that the unknown plain represents opportunities undreamt of in our experience.

Sgt. Stryker has more to say in his latest post. I don't like to think that there is all of this nebulous stuff going on around us that is leading to some fundamental change in the nature of American society that nothing we can do as individuals can slow or speed up or halt or change or prevent. The sum of everything we do as individuals is pushing us toward this new order, but nothing any individual does can change it. Its an odd, apparent contradiction. I'm not sure I like it, but I think he may be on to something.