Just Another Blog
Sunday, March 17, 2002
The police can arrest you for nearly anything. It is becoming easier and easier for the average Joe to be arrested and detained. Still, politicians in general and democrats in particular want to put more and more laws on the books. I would be interested to know the average number of new laws the average American is subjected to on an average day. When counting neighborhood, city, county, state, and federal rules, I bet the number is considerable. Every time a new law is rolled out there is another reason for you to be arrested and then further investigated for other wrong doings. This article talks about a man arrested for riding a bicycle the wrong way on a one way street. He ends up sentenced to nearly three years in jail because he had a small quantity of drugs in his sock. There is room here to veer off into a discussion on the war on drugs and how the whole thing has been a terrible policy failure, but I am not interested enough to go through that argument.